Sunshine Blogger Award



Guess what, Felines. I have a surprise for you.

I have been tagged for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I have never been tagged before, this is so exciting! I think I ‘ve figured out this tag thingie and if I mess up then you peoples can help me. But first, thank you to my tagger Grace from Literature for Light. You can read her answers from when she was tagged here. (That’s quite a few links… *nervous laughter* Ooops? *shrug*)

I have copied down the rules for this tag.

The Rules:

  1. Answer eleven questions.
  2. Nominate other bloggers.
  3. Give them eleven questions to answer.

Seems pretty straight forward enough. Now let us begin.

1. Imagine that you had to introduce yourself using only the words, “Hi, I’m [insert name] and I’m [blank]!” What would you say? (And if you want to tell us – what’s the first thing that popped into your mind?)

The first thing that popped in my head was, “Hi, I’m Catwing and I’m a catwing.” *grins* That’s perfect (except in real life.). What I would probably say, “Hi I’m Hannah and I’m a writer.” Because that’s my real name and that’s what I do.

2. What’s one of your all-time favorite books or movies?

There are lots of good ones, but the one that has stuck with me the longest is The Guardians of Ga’Hoole. It is a book series and adapted into a movie (The movie is Legend of the Guardians). The world is deep. There are lots of different cultures and different ways they do things since they’re owls. Yep, a world of owls who work with metals, use fire and ice, collect trinkets, and have chaws (groups that learn a trade together). They made the first three into a movie. Though they cut out Mist, Mirror lake, Digger’s tragic back story, and combined the Pure Ones and St. Aggies. I still like the movie. The book just goes deeper.

school dragon GIF

school dragon GIF

It’s a bit of a hard movie to find gifs for. 😦 But the animation is amazing.

I also really like the sound track and the intro is pretty cool.

3. In terms of food, do you prefer sweet or savory?

I think generally I tend to lean toward sweet.

I found these two gifs surprisingly close to each other. *laugh*

4. Without naming the your favorite color, how would you describe its overall feeling?

This is an interesting one. *ponders* Definitely soft and light. *taps paw against head* Silky smooth or fluffy like a cloud, it could be either one. Gracefully weightless, floating through the open fields. A ballerina’s skirt or tutu, but not its twin color that people normally think of when they think of a ballerina’s tutu.

5. What has blogging taught you?

*sits and thinks for a while* *eats snack* *comes back* To not be so formal, and that everyone has faults and someone has probably been through what you’ve been through and you’re not alone. It’s okay to mess up a bit, that’s how we learn sometimes. Like how to wield a frying pan. Maybe I should learn sometime…

6. What would your friends and family say about your personality?

I think they would say I’m shy, and probably some other embarrassing and flattering things. Yeah…

7. What’s your dream job/ideal future?

Write books that change people lives and make them turn to Christ. Live on a good bit of land in the country. Have a horse and ride the horse. Go to heaven (It’s part of my future, so it goes in here.). I sometimes wonder if people will be able to fly in heaven.

8. What’s your go-to/favorite/really-good-or-hilarious joke/riddle?

Potato-squash! *nods*That’s the best I got, my brother’s is funnier. When my mom takes us to the park with the dogs, he runs by me and says, “On your left.”. He’ll stop at one of those exercise things along the trail, goof off, then run up to where me and my mom are walking the dogs. I’ll see him running to catch up to where we are walking, so of course I have to say, “Don’t say it, don’t you dare say it.”, but he says it anyway.

9. What do you love most about writing?

Learning about my characters, exploring their world, adding easter eggs, creating collages. It’s amazing… I like most of it. Except editing… 😦

10. In terms of music, what are some of your favorite genres/artists?

I’m not quite sure what genre I like, since I like a lot of variety. Tron, Legend of the Guardians, Big Hero Six, How to Train Your Dragon, some movie soundtracks. For lyrical music, Toby Mac, ForKING&COUNTRY, Mercy Me, Britt Nicole, Francesca Battistelli. Currently I really like Toby Mac’s newest song, I Just Need U (At least I think its his newest song).

11. Dogs or cats? XD

I see what you did there. That’s hilarious, I love it. As you may guess I am a catwing, so I’m going with cats.


Tada! The end and now for the tagged…

Danielle/Snapper at Silver Phoenix Writer

Addie at The Lion’s Pen

Jess at the Artful Author

Sarah at Sarcastic Elf


Your questions are…

  1. How would you describe sunshine without saying yellow?
  2. What is the happiest thing you can think of right now?
  3. Do you prefer riding a horse or a bike? Why?
  4. If you were one of the dragons from How To Train your Dragon which would you be? You can’t be Toothless. Or a night fury. *laughs* Got ya. :3
  5. If you could travel back in time to any time without creating any sort of time catastrophe when and where would you go?
  6. Have you ever thought about the possibly that people see colors differently? (eg. your green looks like my blue)
  7. If you could meet two fictional characters (one a hero, the other a villain [or at least thought of as a villain]) while being shipwrecked on an island who would they be?
  8. What is your favorite scent? What color would you pair it with?
  9. What is your favorite bible verse?
  10. Butterflies or caterpillars?
  11. What is your favorite part about blogging?


And with that adieu.

What are your answers to these questions?



13 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    Thanks for doing the tag, Catwing! (Will you prefer being called by Catwing or by your real name, since I know it now?)

    I love the Ga’Hoole series, perhaps even more so when I was a kid. Aaaaand you just listed a good chunk of my favorite Christian artists — they’re awesome.

    But the gifs are hilarious, and I enjoyed learning new things about you (except the last question. That was unintended.)


    • You’re welcome. You can still call me Catwing. 😸

      I think I thought it was an allegory at one point in my life.
      I don’t think the author is a Christian (from her other books). 😿
      Have you seen the movie?
      Those artists are pretty good. 😁

      Thanks! It was fun.
      The last question made my day. 😹

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Reading Old Posts ~ Part Two | The Catwing Has Landed

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