Liebster Award Tag

I won an award. I’m not sure what for… But I won! So there. Thank you Amy for tagging me. Y’all might want to go hop over to her blog and check it out.

~~~The Rules~~~

  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you for this award.
  • Answer 11 questions the blogger gave you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 blogs.
  • Notify them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

Onward to the interrogation!

1. What is your favorite fairytale/folk lore/legend?

I’m not sure. Some that I like are Cinderella, Rapunzel (mostly the rewrites though), and Beauty and the Beast.

2. What is your favorite thing to rant about?

…My book? And random things. ๐Ÿ˜›

3. Do you sing in the shower?

Sometimes. Other times I just make up stories that stay in my head or maybe my WIP

4. Is it better to live someplace really hot or really cold?

Really cold. Cause then you can make it toasty inside. ๐Ÿ™‚

5. Who is your favorite dwarf, from any book ever?

I’m going to go with a dwarf in my friends book, Eddie aka Edible. He is the best.

6. Would you rather have a small pet dragon to cuddle with, or a big dragon to ride?

Big dragon! *jumps on dragon* Brother I got a dragon before you! *rides off* ๐Ÿ˜›

7. What is a phrase or word that, as far as you know, you are the only person to use?

Potato-squash. *nods* I rest my case. (Unless any of you do. In which case it would probably make my day even though I wouldn’t have an answer for this question. ๐Ÿ™‚ )

8. What is your favorite movie genre?

Spies. Or super heroes. (I know those aren’t really genres, but *shrug* )

9. Sword or staff?

I love swords. But if I had to use one as a weapon, there is one question. To whack or cut off their heads? Since I might accidentally cut myself I think I’d go with a staff. They’re also good for walking. ๐Ÿ˜›

10. If you had to choose between giving your favorite lovable but evil character a redemption arc, or bringing a character back from the dead, which would you choose?

*cricket* *cricket* *cricket* *eats cricket* Funny thing there… I plan to do both of these. *cough*

11. Who would you choose?

*spoiler* for the first option and *spoiler* for the second. They’re in the same book. But whether the lovable evil character gets redeemed in that series or in her own book/short story is still floating around. And if the character who comes back does it in that series or a short story is also in question… Because I haven’t started writing them yet…

~~~11 random facts~~~

  1. I have a drawer full of story ideas and unfinished stories.
  2. I am introverted.
  3. Sometimes I like standing in the rain or watching storms. It varies from time to time.
  4. I like retellings.
  5. Our goat is going to have kids later this year (not really a fact about me…). I am very excited(there we go. Now it’s a fact about me).
  6. I have three identical shirts. They are the same color, brand, size, etc.. There are only slight differences…
  7. I moved this blog from Blogspot to WordPress March last year. So you could say the blogiversary is coming up soon. *rubs paws together* I have some ideas brewing. We’ll see if I do any, though. ๐Ÿ˜›
  8. I’ve only had my glasses for about two years.
  9. I think it is a bit hard to think up these facts.
  10. I don’t like listening to the Big Hero 6 soundtrack song “I am Satisfied With My Care” because it makes me sad.
  11. I’m excited to see How to Train Your Dragon 3 when it comes out.

~~~11 tags~~~

I don’t think I can do that many… But here.

RM Archer
Audrey Caylin
Sarah Anson

I think someone likes 11 a lot. But that is too many people… *moves on*

~~~11 questions~~~

  • What is the first book you remember reading?
  • First book you remember writing?
  • Do you prefer Winter or Summer?
  • Glitter. Is it shimmering innocent sparkles or the parasitic bane of existence that wants your skin?
  • Would you rather have a phoenix or a dragon?
  • Which one of your characters is most likely to break through the fourth wall and find you?
  • Would you rather have a bow and arrows or a knife?
  • Do you keep a candy stash or eat candy when you get it?
  • What is the craziest thing you’ve ever made?
  • How did you get interested in writing?
  • Do you like writing/drawing/working with music?

And there you have it… The Liebster Award Tag.


Which one of your characters is most likely to break
through the fourth wall?ย 

Photo by Shruthi Gowda on Unsplash

12 thoughts on “Liebster Award Tag

  1. Cool post! I loved reading all your answers/facts! Itโ€™s funny cuz I woke up this morning and had this weird feeling that you were going to post something today, and then you did! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well… I like swords… But in a fight I’d prefer banging them on the head than chopping it off… Assuming we both have the same weapon for this battle… But swords are really cool. I was probably missing swinging around my staff (that I lost…). :/

      *waves* Ah, hello! Welcome to my blog. ^_^


  2. Pingback: Reading Old Posts ~ Part Three | The Catwing Has Landed

  3. Pingback: The Tag with Too Many 11s Returns to Haunt Our Dreams With Woodchucks | The Catwing Has Landed

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